Nalika pambayaran adhep-adhepan wiwit urip saben dinane, kita dadi akrab karo model pembayaran sing anyar lan trep iki. Perusahaan kita uga wis nggatekake kombinasi anyar pembayaran rai lan industri katering, lan banjur ngluncurake model anyarmesin pesenan swalayan+ pambayaran rai. Dina iki, aku bakal nggawa kabeh wong kanggo nemu pengalaman paling anyarmesin pesenan swalayan+ pambayaran rai.
Ingmesin pesenan swalayanis the self-service ordering equipment that we often see in some chain restaurants in our daily life. The mesin pesenan swalayan is the first choice for customers to order self-service. It is very convenient. You do not need to wait for manual service, and you can order self-service without waiting in line. Moreover, customers can directly use mobile phones, bank cards and other payment methods to make payments, making the process easier. However, with the development of face-swiping payment, we can now directly use face-swiping to pay in many places in our lives, even without having to take out the mobile phone. With Fangpai’s new model of mesin pesenan swalayan+ face payment, customers can also experience this brand new ordering and settlement mode in restaurants.