Saiki, supermarket dadi luwih gampang, lan ana bedane antarane macem-macem kategori barang, saengga kabeh wong bisa duwe pengalaman blanja sing luwih apik. Nanging yen akeh banget wong, kabeh bakal ngadhepi fenomena "5 menit kanggo blanja lan 2 jam kanggo checkout". Ing wektu iki, munculé
dhaptar awis swalayantepat waktu banget, nggawe blanja luwih trep.
Fungsi sakadhaptar awis swalayan in our supermarket is to help everyone speed up the settlement and greatly reduce the time in the cashier queue. The cost of the dhaptar awis swalayan is low, much lower than the cost of labor. Therefore, it is very suitable for supermarkets with a large number of people. Several dhaptar awis swalayan can be arranged to meet the daily cashier settlement. At present, dhaptar awis swalayan are installed in the settlement areas of many supermarkets, which can play a role in diversion when there are many people, speed up the efficiency of settlement, and enhance the shopping experience of customers.
Kabeh proses ing
dhaptar awis swalayan is self-service. Customers only need to scan the barcode of the product by themselves, and the dhaptar awis swalayan automatically recognizes the product information. After the scan is complete. Customers click to select payment methods, including payment code payment, scan code payment, face payment, and so on. After the customer chooses, he can pay. After receiving the information, the self-service cashier will send the payment information to the system and print the invoice.
Efisiensi saka
dhaptar awis swalayancukup suwe ing jangka panjang, kanthi regane murah lan jam kerja suwene. Keuntungan bawaan kasebut bisa mbantu kita nggawe blanja luwih trep, ngrampungake pamukiman kanthi cepet, lan pamitan wektu sing dawa.